In our monthly webinar series we explore the latest insights and best practice around ecosystems. Our August webinar strikes at the very heart of actually making an ecosystem practically happen. Press pause, put the theory to one side and learn more about how and why one company is working to create its own business ecosystem.
In this uniquely practical session, BEA’s Stuart Crainer is joined by Andreas Holmer. Andreas is author of WorkMatters, a weekly newsletter on and about the future of work and organization. He is also co-founder and CEO of MAQE, an 80-person technology services firm in Thailand specializing in personalized commerce. MAQE recently announced that it was adopting RDHY — Haier’s innovative organizational model and philosophy. Andreas will explain why MAQE is taking an ecosystemic approach to organization and how it will help the company ‘optimize for fulfillment’.
Helping making sense of this highly practical take on making ecosystems a reality will be William Malek. Co-author of Executing Your Strategy, William is Senior Executive Director of the South East Asia Innovation Management Research Center.
Join us on August 9 at 10am UK time to discover best practice.
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