The B2B sharing revolution
The B2B sharing revolution is under way. By sharing wisely their resources — from industrial assets to employees and clients to intellectual property — pioneering firms across sectors and regions are unlocking trillions of dollars in economic value, boosting social inclusion, and accelerating their ecological transition.
In this informative and highly practical session you will learn from Christophe Rebours, cofounder and CEO of InProcess (inprocess-group.com), and Lieke van Kerkhoven, co-founder of FLOOW2 (floow2.com), how your company can leverage private ecosystems and digital marketplaces to engage deeply in the B2B sharing economy and fully profit from it.
Leading the discussion with Christophe and Lieke will be Navi Radjou (naviradjou.com), a Thinkers50-ranked innovation strategist and author of The B2B Sharing Revolution, published by Terra Nova in November 2021.
Join us to learn how to stimulate B2B sharing and leverage it to co-build inclusive and regenerative societies in 2022 and beyond.
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