Management has been in thrall to Frederick Taylor and scientific management for over a century. Now, a new era of management is upon us: the age of quantum management. The pioneer of this concept is Danah Zohar and she will lead this uniquely compelling webinar. Danah is the author of the best-selling The Quantum Self and The Quantum Society, books which extend the language and principles of quantum physics into a new understanding of human consciousness, psychology and social organization. Her most recent book is Zero Distance: The Tao of Quantum Management.
Danah will be joined in conversation by Steve Denning. Formerly the director of knowledge management at the World Bank, Steve is a director of the SD Learning Consortium and the author of The Leader's Guide to Radical Management and The Age of Agile. And from the world of practice, joining the conversation will be Daniel Pluess of Roche Global.
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