Leveraging Ecosystems to Build Multiple Competitive Advantages
Jonathan Knee is a Michael T. Fries Professor of Professional Practice and Co-Director of the Media and Technology Program at Columbia Business School where he teachesMedia Mergers and Acquisitions and Strategic Management of Media. His most recent book, The Platform Delusion: Who Wins and Who Loses In the Age of Tech Titans, is packed with real-word insights on which companies will thrive and which will fail. These insights are drawn from his learnings of how platforms, ecosystems and competitive advantages all play together to determine success. In this discussion, Jonathan shares his insights on:
- How the key to winning in business is not just a single competitive advantage, but rather building multiple reinforcing competitive advantages
- Why scale is the most important factor in developing competitive advantage, and how it differs in the digital age of platforms and ecosystems
- What other key competitive advantages you should cultivate to amplify your success
- When network effects might be a detriment rather than an advantage
- What defines a platform and how it’s different from an ecosystem
- How to maximize your chances of success in ecosystem-based competition
- Why all players in an ecosystem must deliver as much value from an ecosystem as they extract
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