Inside Workforce Ecosystems
As technology enables new, more efficient forms of working, and roles become more project- and outcomes-based, workforces are evolving into workforce ecosystems requiring updated strategies, leadership, and management practices. Co-authors of Workforce Ecosystems (MIT Press, 2023) Elizabeth Altman and David Kiron share their insights and research on reaching strategic goals with people, partners, and technologies.
Practical and field-tested, Liz and David’s work prepares leaders to identify distinguishing characteristics of workforce ecosystems; take advantage of their increasing relevance as the world becomes more interconnected and technology-enabled; refine business strategies to incorporate them; focus leadership, management practices, and technologies to leverage them; and traverse the ethical, societal, and public policy considerations of workforce ecosystems.
Elizabeth J. Altman is Associate Professor of Management at the Manning School of Business, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Guest Editor, Future of Workforce for MIT Sloan Management Review. She is coauthor of The Innovator's Guide to Growth.
David Kiron is the Editorial Director of Research at MIT Sloan Management Review and Program Lead for its Big Ideas research initiatives. He is coeditor of The Consumer Society and Human Well-being and Economic Goals.
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