Thinkers50 Awards Gala: Hall of Fame 2023
Since 2013, Thinkers50 has been celebrating the work of people who have made a lasting difference to the way we think of and practice management. The Thinkers50 Hall of Fame, presented in partnership with the Haier Group, honours the legacy of an elite group of thinkers.
At the Thinkers50 Gala in November we were joined by three of the new inductees into the Hall of Fame. Subir Chowdhury, Chairman and CEO of ASI Consulting Group, has been a long-time champion of the theory and practice of quality in organizations. Born in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Subir is the author of fifteen books, including The Difference, The Ice Cream Maker, and The Power of Six Sigma. Avivah Wittenberg-Cox is a Harvard 2022 Advanced Leadership Fellow who researches longevity, gender differences in ageing and how to manage individuals and teams through the 3rd and 4th Quarters of 100-year lives. These themes are summarised in Thriving to 100 – Through Life’s 4 Quarters. Michael D. Watkins is Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change at IMD, author of The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter which has become the classic reference for leaders in transition.
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