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International certification system for organisational transformation.

International certification for entreprise transformation
EFMD RDHY Certification is the premier assessment scheme for entreprise transformation in the IoT (Internet of Things) era i.e. for sustainable performance in a disruptive environment. RDHY is assessing organisations along the two dimensions of the RDHY Scorecard: self-organisation capabilities and value-expansion capabilities. It is open for organisations engaged in management innovation and organisational transformation.
Business transformation in the IoT era
RDHY is a management model that follows the principles of ‘zero distance to users’, ‘decentralisation and autonomy’, and ‘human value maximisation’. EFMD RDHY Certification aims at accelerating organisational transformation toward a self-organising system that unlocks the talent of every individual to create life-long users, steady revenue streams and shared value.
Dissemination of new management practices
The scheme is designed to accelerate an organisation’s development along the dimensions of the RDHY Scorecard as well as the adoption and diffusion of the RDHY management philosophy and its ongoing evolution through identification and sharing of best practice and success cases.
Respect for diversity
There is no one size fits all when it comes to management practice. The certification scheme is inclusive in that it invites any organisation, small or large or at any stage of its organisational transformation, to go through the certification process.