Once again the Business Ecosystem Alliance (BEA) is partnering with the Haier Model Institute (HMI) on a unique virtual event exploring the very latest thinking and best practice in the field of business ecosystems. On 12-14 September BEA and HMI will venture into the ecosystem future.
Please join us for a compelling series of webinars featuring leading ecosystem thinkers and practitioners from throughout the world. Simone Cicero and Luca Ruggeri of Boundaryless will analyse the groundbreaking work of Roche Diagnostics. Kaihan Krippendorff and a representative of GE Appliances will look at the world beyond hierarchy. Tammy L. Madsen (Santa Clara University) and David Cruickshank (Silicon Valley leader of Co-innovation, Cloud strategy and multi-cloud devOps), will explain their work on co-innovation platforms. And they will be joined by others, including Michael Jacobides, Andrea Kates, James Moore, Elizabeth Altman and Shiva Agarwal, exclusively revealing their latest research and insights.
And, as part of the festival of ideas we will also announce the latest winners of the Zero Distance Awards and will be joined live by some of the new inductees into the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame.
The ecosystem future cannot be missed. Register for the event now.

Day 1: 12 September
8 AM EDT • 1 PM London • 8 PM Beijing
Navigating the Open Ecosystem Transition: Insights from Roche Diagnostics' Journey

Corinne Dive-Reclus
Global Head of Digital Diagnostics, Roche

Simone Cicero
CEO, Boundaryless

Luca Ruggeri
co-founder, Boundaryless
In this conversation, Corinne Dive-Reclus (Global Head of Digital Diagnostics at Roche), and Simone Cicero and Luca Ruggeri of Boundaryless bring their extensive experience and unique insights into how companies can successfully navigate the transformative journey from being a traditional distributor towards becoming an active participant in an open ecosystem, as well as the implications of moving from a singular product focus to adopting a platform approach. This will delve into why Roche, a global frontrunner in healthcare, decided to transition towards an open ecosystem model and what this major shift entails.
10 AM EDT • 3 PM London • 10 PM Beijing
Making New Sense of Ecosystems

Elizabeth Altman
Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Douglas Hannah
Professor, Questrom School of Business, BU

Shiva Agarwal
Professor, University of Texas at Austin
We have invited 3 of the brightest and most original thinkers on the subject of ecosystems to provide their perspective on organizational reality and where ecosystem thinking is heading next.

Day 2: 13 September
1 AM EDT • 6 AM London • 1 PM Beijing
Understanding Ecosystems to Change the
Way we Work and Live

Mohi Ahmed
Executive Officer, Shimizu

Andrea Kates
Partner, Get To NEXT
Too often conversations about ecosystems are abstract and theoretical. But, what can and must managers do to convert the theory into reality? From smart homes to cross-border platforms, ecosystems are already at work creating the future. The Japanese architectural, engineering and construction company, Shimizu, is among those leading the way in reinventing its view of the world by taking an ecosystemic perspective. Mohi Ahmed, who leads the company’s business innovation unit, reports on the unit’s work on understanding and building ecosystems. Andrea Kates provides commentary on this best practice example and how ecosystems are changing the way we work and live.
9 AM EDT • 2 PM London • 9 PM Beijing
The World Beyond Hierarchy

Kaihan Krippendorff
founder, Outthinker Networks

Antonio Boadas
Chief Communications Officer, GE Appliances
Technologies such as robotics, 3D printing, IoT, Blockchain, and AI, have brought down the effort and costs of organizing human activity. As a result, alternative models of organization are emerging. The defining design elements of a winning new organizational model are coming into focus. This organizational philosophy and system is composed of several innovative characteristics, including the breaking of large hierarchical units into “micro-enterprises” (MEs), turning support functions into profit centers that must sell into the enterprise rather than cost centers, and relating to employees as intrapreneurs.
11 AM EDT • 4 PM London • 11 PM Beijing
The Zero Distance Awards 2023
Representatives of the Zero Distance Award winning organisations of 2023.

Amsterdam Tech (Netherlands)

Celestica (Canada)

Province of South Holland (Netherlands)

Teladoc Health (US)

Unbossers (Belgium)

WeUsThem (Canada)

Stuart Crainer
co-founder, Thinkers50
At the heart of ecosystems is bridging the gap between value-creating employees and organizations with their customers. The Zero Distance Awards celebrated organizations from throughout the world which are organizing and managing differently to connect directly to customers.
1 PM EDT • 6 PM London • 1 AM Beijing
Moore on Ecosystems

James F. Moore
originator of the Business Ecosystem Theory

Stuart Crainer
co-founder, Thinkers50
James F. Moore, author of The Death of Competition, is one of the true pioneers of the field of business ecosystems. In this session he provides insights into his latest thinking, based on a research journey to China.

Day 3: 14 September
7 AM EDT • 12 Noon London • 7 PM Beijing

Michael Jacobides
London Business School

Giuseppe Stigliano
Global CEO of Spring Studios

Yuri Romanekov
London Business School
Michael Jacobides of London Business School is one of the world’s foremost authorities on what is happening and likely to happen in the future in the world of business ecosystems. In this session he shares his latest research and thinking. He is joined in discussion by Giuseppe Stigliano, the CEO of the global creative platform Spring Studios, and the consultant, teacher and researcher, Yuri Romanekov, who share their experiences and reality-tests the ideas.
9 AM EDT • 2 PM London • 9 PM Beijing
Customers Onboard

Nick Van Langendonck

Laurent Zintz
CFO, Projective Group

William Malek
author, Executing Your Strategy
Thanks to technology there are myriad of ways of gathering information on customers. Indeed, organizations have never known more about their customers than they do today. But, that does not automatically translate into close, mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their customers. Bringing customers onboard, getting them truly involved in the work of an organization challenges many of the foundations of traditional organizations. It can be done. Nick Van Langendonck, founder of Unbossers, believes that customers can truly be partners and their involvement in shaping the future is key to creating tomorrow’s organizations. Nick is joined by Laurent Zintz who is helping put this idea to work at the Projective Group and consultant, author and ecosystem champion, William Malek.
11 AM EDT • 4 PM London • 11 PM Beijing
Thinkers50 Hall of Fame 2023

The Quality Prophet

Stewart D. Friedman
professor, Wharton School of Business, UPenn

Margaret Heffernan
author, Uncharted: How to map the future

D. Watkins
The First 90 Days

Avivah Wittenberg-Cox
author, Why Women Mean Business

Stuart Crainer
co-founder, Thinkers50
Every year, Thinkers50 inducts more members into its Hall of Fame of legendary management thinkers. These are the people whose ideas helped shape the way we manage in the twenty-first century. Thinkers50 cofounder Stuart Crainer will be joined by some of the new inductees into this year’s Hall of Fame for a live discussion on their ideas and work. And the inductees are guaranteed to provide inspiration and insight.
1 PM EDT • 6 PM London • 1 AM Beijing
Co-Innovation Platforms: How to Enable
Innovation and Ecosystem Growth

Tammy L. Madsen
Professor, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University

David Cruickshank
Silicon Valley leader of Co-innovation,
Cloud strategy and multi-cloud devOps
A co-innovation platform provides an environment where firms can combine or recombine ideas to generate novel solutions. By providing access to demand-side and supply-side resources and capabilities to facilitate co-innovation, the platform solves this problem and shapes the ecosystem’s innovation trajectory from the ground up. Strategic and practical guidance for orchestrating collaborative problem solving and ecosystem growth.
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